Erin Extended Learning Opportunities
Where are the in-person lectures held?
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 442; 12 Dundas St. E, Erin, ON

What You Need to Know
Face masks are recommended but not required.
If you are saving a chair for a friend, please limit it to two chairs. Everyone wants to sit as close to the front as they can and it’s disappointing to find several chairs at the front “saved”.
Ensure your cell phone and any other such device is turned off. The speaker deserves your full attention and it distracts the audience too.
Please remember many have allergies and refrain from using scented products.
On leaving, wind the string of your name tag and tuck it behind the name before returning it.
The bulletin board is for you to use for upcoming events.
Please bring your own coffee mug if possible, to save on waste.

How long does this event last?
The Extended Learning Opportunities events are two hours in length and begin at 10:00 am.
Introduction of Guest Speaker
Lecture by Guest Speaker of 45 to 60 minutes
Short break of 15 to 20 minutes
Question and answer period; ending by 12 noon.

How early should I arrive on the day of the event?
Doors open at about 9:30 am. Please arrive by 9:55 so that everyone has taken their seat and we can start on time at 10:00 am.

Is there anything I need to bring?
Bring a mug if you want tea or coffee.
Bring an open and inquisitive mind.