Erin Extended Learning Opportunities

President's Message
Hello and Welcome!
Erin ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities) is a group of volunteer individuals who believe in constant education. We are mostly seniors who meet on a weekly basis to hear expert speakers talk on an eclectic array of subjects. Our topics last session ranged from modern day dairy farming, to Canada's role in the Battle of Britain; from the movement of owls, to a study of Maude Lewis. (The topics continually vary depending on the requests of our membership). You can check out some of our past lectures by choosing the "Archive" page and opening some of our archived slide presentations.
Our program committee does an outstanding job of providing two nine lecture series a year. The first is from February until April and the second runs from October until December. We meet at the Legion in Erin on Thursdays at 10:00am. Each lecture is an hour in length, followed by a short break and then a question and answer period. Most of the time we are on our way home before noon...although its often hard to pull yourself away from the speaker or your friends!! Not able to drive to the lectures? No problem, we also offer a ZOOM alternative so you can stay at home and watch the presentation in your pajamas.
As always, the success of our group has been the product of our many volunteers. We are blessed with having people who have been helping ELO for decades as well as those who have come forward this year. Without their dedication and talents, our organization would fold. The good news is that we have been able to fill most vacancies with new members, but we are still looking for someone with secretarial skills to become part of our board. If you are someone who likes to contribute, and can afford to come to a few short meetings with a fun group of people...then please be sure to contact us.
Our next session will start on Thursday February 13. Come early for registration, and don't forget to bring your mug for the free coffee.
See you then,